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Speaker photo for Jan Birk

Interview with Jan Birk


Could you briefly introduce yourself?

I am 60 years old and have been in the IT business since the beginning of the 90s. Starting with Unix and informix and at the end of the 90s shifting to Linux and mostly Oracle.

8 years ago, give or take, we began to use Postgres.

Married and living in the countryside where we breed rabbits.

How do you engage with the PostgreSQL Community?

Mostly be newsletters and buying support, consultants, education, etc from the Postgres firms (the sponsors).

Have you enjoyed previous PostgreSQL Europe conferences, either as an attendee or as a speaker? (PGConf.EU, FOSDEM PGDay, Nordic PGDay, pgDay Paris, PGConf.DE)

I have been attended to the the last 6 times and really enjoy it.

What will your talk be about, exactly? Why this topic?

The purpose of the talk is to get more government engagement into Postgres.

In Denmark there are only a few big users. It can be a struggle to be alone both politically and technical. We will convince and prove to other government institutions that using Postgres and the ecosystem around postgres not only are possible but also has great advantages.

What is the audience for your talk?

It is not a technical talk.

It is a talk about how you can set up and run, stable and secure, from development to production, IT systems that support Denmark’s education world.

What existing knowledge should the attendee have?


Which other talk at this year’s conference would you like to see?

As many as possible

Which measure, action, feature or activity would—in your eyes—help to accelerate the adoption of PostgreSQL?

Some common GDPR stuff directly in the database. There are some extensions etc but a clear and easy way to label data, mask data, audit data etc directly in the database.

And fail/fall-over logical replication slots.